June 1, 2022 NEW Limited Submissions Programs and Strategic Grants
Dear Faculty,
Welcome to our “top-of-the month” communication from Research Development via our funding-information@lixubing.com email address. Up-to-date information is also available anytime on our 菠菜网lol正规平台 InfoReady Portal (for limited submissions) and via our 菠菜网lol正规平台 Strategic Grants list within Pivot — 菠菜网lol正规平台’s go-to tool for finding funding. Past “top-of-the month” communications and our monthly AVP for Research email can be found on the Office of Research website under Resources.
Julia Gaudinski Director, Research Development
Newly Released Limited Submissions & Upcoming Deadlines
NIH | Director's Early Independence Awards (DP5 Clinical Trial Optional) NIH RFA-RM-22-021 - Amount: ≤ $250K Supports exceptional junior investigators who wish to pursue independent research soon after completion of their terminal doctoral degree or post-graduate clinical training. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 3, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: September 2, 2022
NSF | Physics Frontiers Centers (PFC) NSF 22-592 - Amount: $1M-$5M The Physics Frontiers Centers (PFC) program supports university-based centers and institutes where the collective efforts of a larger group of individuals can enable transformational advances in the most promising research areas. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 3, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: August 01, 2022
NSF | Resilient & Intelligent NextG Systems (RINGS) - Virtual Organization NSF 22-590 - Amount: $1M The goal of this solicitation is to invite the submission of proposals to set up a Virtual Organization (VO) for the RINGS program. The VO will facilitate coordination, collaboration, and community-building across academia, government, and industrial partners. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 3, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: August 01, 2022
NEH | Summer Stipends NEH 20220921-FT - Amount: $6K The purpose of this program is to stimulate new research and publication in the humanities. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 3, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: September 21, 2022
NSF | LSAMP National Coordination Hub and Louis Stokes Community Resource Centers (LSAMP Hub & LSCRCs) NSF 22-584 - Amount: ≤ $3.5M-$5M These new funding opportunities will support the overall goal of the LSAMP program to assist universities and colleges in diversifying the nation's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce by increasing the number of STEM baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to individuals from populations underrepresented. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: June 24, 2022 | Sponsor Deadline: January 9, 2023
NIH | Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) NIH PAR-22-088 - Amount: $3M-$8M (estimate) The goal of this FOA is to upgrade or create novel biomedical research infrastructure to strengthen biomedical research programs. Each project is expected to provide long-term improvements to the institutional research infrastructure. Targeted projects are the construction or modernization of core facilities and the development of other infrastructure serving an institution-wide research community on a shared basis.
The 2023 call for proposals has not yet been released. We are using the 2022 version as a guide for what we expect the call to look like, and to allow the significant planning lead time recommended for this type of grant. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Deadline: July 1, 2022 | Sponsor Anticipated Deadline: March 24, 2023
New Strategic Grant Highlights
NSF | Disaster Resilience Research Grants (DRRG) NSF 22-593 - Amount: $200K-$400KThe NSF and the U.S Department of Commerce (DOC) National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) solicitation seeks to catalyze research into disaster-resilience relevant phenomena in support of improved, science-based measures or mechanisms for improved resilience, including improved planning, policy, decisions, design, codes, and standards or other relevant mechanisms. Letter of Intent (required): June 20, 2022 | Deadline: August 19, 2022
DOJ | BJA FY22 Forensics Training and Technical Assistance Program DOJ O-BJA-2022-171336 - Amount: $2.8M Fund for a Forensics Training and Technical Assistance program. This program furthers DOJ’s mission by improving state and local jurisdictions’ capacities to respond to violent crime through the use of DNA and related forensics programs. Deadline: June 22, 2022
DOJ | BJA FY 2022 Field Initiated: Encouraging Innovation O-BJA-2022-171325 - Amount: $1M Funding to prevent and reduce crime and enhance the criminal justice system through innovative approaches that accelerate justice by identifying, defining, and responding to emerging or chronic crime problems and systemic issues using innovative approaches. BJA is looking for proposed strategies to address these issues, including trying new approaches, addressing gaps in responses, building or translating research knowledge, or building capacity. Deadline: July 6, 2022
NIH | Educational Hub for Enhancing Diversity in Computational Genomics and Data Science (U24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) RFA-HG-22-002 - Amount: $1.5M-$1.8M NHGRI and partner components intend to commit a maximum of $1.5 million per year in total costs between FY23-FY25 to fund one Hub award, with an additional $300K Total costs per year for FY26 and FY27 for hands-on student research projects. To integrate and disseminate resources for cloud-based education in computational genomics and data science in institutions serving students from underrepresented populations in these topics, and act as a facilitator for faculty in such institutions to create courses in these topics. Deadline: July 27, 2022
NSF | Centers for Chemical Innovation (CCI) NSF 22-596 - Amount: $1.8M The CCI Program is a two-phase program. Phase I CCIs receive significant resources to develop the science, management and broader impacts of a major research center before requesting Phase II funding. Satisfactory progress in Phase I is required for Phase II applications. The NSF Division of Chemistry particularly encourages fundamental chemistry projects aligned with articulated budget priorities, including Advanced Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Climate Research and Sustainability, Clean Energy and Quantum Information Science. Preliminary Proposal (required): August 10, 2022 | Deadline: February 7, 2023 (Phase I proposals, by invitation only)
NSF | Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) NSF 22-598 - Amount: $175K Grants intended to support research independence among early-career academicians who specifically lack access to adequate organizational or other resources. It is expected that funds obtained through this program will be used to support untenured faculty or research scientists (or equivalent) in their first three years in a primary academic position after the PhD, but not more than six years after completion of their PhD for proposals submitted in 2022, and not more than five years after completion of their PhD for proposals submitted after 2022. Deadline: September 19, 2022
Strategic Growth Council | Regional Climate Collaboratives Program Portal ID: 1039 - Amount: ~ $500K-$1.7M RCC is part of the state’s Climate Budget (SB 170) The Regional Climate Collaboratives (RCC) Program is a capacity building grant program for under-resourced communities that enables cross-sectoral partners to deepen their relationships and develop processes, plans, and projects that will drive and sustain climate action. RCC seeks to strengthen local coordination, leadership, knowledge, and skills with a focus on increasing access to funding resources for project planning and implementation. Deadline: October 7, 2022
NSF | Engineering Research Initiation NSF 22-595 - Amount: ≤ $200K The NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG) seeks to build engineering research capacity across the nation by investing in new academic investigators who have yet to receive research funding from federal agencies. The Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) program will support new investigators as they initiate their research programs and advance in their careers as researchers, educators, and innovators. This funding opportunity aims to broaden the base of investigators involved in engineering research and therefore is limited to investigators that are not affiliated with “very high research activity” R1 institutions. Deadline: October 11, 2022 | September 15, 2023
NIH | Workshops on Computational and Analytical Research Methods (R25 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-DA-23-027 - Amount: ≤ $200K This FOA will support biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research creative-educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development. Activities may include short-term workshops or seminars for undergraduate, graduate/medical students, post doctorates, medical residents, and faculty that will emphasize computational and analytical research methods. Deadline: November 10, 2022
NASA | ROSES 2022: Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences (TWSC) NNH22ZDA001N-TWSC - Amount: ~ $5K-$1M+ The Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences (TWSC) program element F.2 solicits proposals for topical workshops, symposia, conferences, and other scientific/technical meetings that advance the goals and objectives of the Astrophysics, the Biological and Physical Sciences, Earth Science, Heliophysics, and Planetary Science Divisions. Deadline: Continuous through May 12, 2023
NSF | Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): National Science Foundation and the Social Science Research Council Partnership to Advance Scientific Knowledge about the Impact of Public Health Guidance NSF 22-080 - Amount: Dependent The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) will donate up to $7.5 million to NSF over the next two years to support fundamental research exploring the effects of public health guidance on society. NSF will invest $12.5 million for a combined total of up to $20 million in research funding. Proposal submissions to NSF in response to this DCL should adhere to the deadline(s) and submission requirements for the primary program for which they are applying. Refer to the DCL (NSF 22-080) for the list of participating programs. Deadline: May 20, 2022-May 2023
NIH | Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) PAR-22-106 - Amount: $100K Support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (de-implement) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. Deadline: Continuous through September 7, 2025
NIH | Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) PAR-22-109 - Amount: ≤ $275K Support studies that will identify, develop, and/or test strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, practices, programs, tools, treatments, guidelines, and policies. Studies that promote equitable dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions among underrepresented communities are encouraged. Conversely, there is a benefit in understanding circumstances that create a need to stop or reduce (“de-implement”) the use of practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful. Deadline: Rolling — February/June/October
California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) Amount: Dependent The state of California has posted twelve opportunities related to the SB 170/155 funding initiatives. These opportunities are being managed by the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) and posted on the California Grants Portal website on the Programs web page. Deadline: Varies
NSF| Perception, Action and Cognition NSF 17-120, PD 09-7252 - Amount: $346K-$520K (estimate) Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology supports innovative research that advances understanding of the deep-time sedimentary crust and investigates environmental change and evolution of the biosphere through the pre-Holocene geologic record. Deadline: Full Proposal Accepted Anytime