San Jose State University
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Call for Applications — University Grants Academy

Spring 2023 and Summer 2023 Sessions


Dear Faculty,

I am pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Spring 2023 University Grants Academy (UGA). The UGA is a semester-long developmental experience that supports faculty members from across the campus through the process of writing a significant external grant proposal to fund their research, scholarship, and creative activity (RSCA).

The UGA welcomes faculty writing a first-time single investigator grant, or a sponsored fellowship to fund their RSCA, as well as those looking to build 菠菜网lol正规平台 institutional capacity with RSCA-related public programming, community-engagement, or curriculum development grants. RSCA that involves entrepreneurship and innovation, and may include collaborations with industry partners, including the development of intellectual property, is also encouraged.

As part of the application process, faculty will need to identify the funding opportunity they will pursue. Funding sources can be from any federal, state, or local agency, as well as publicly announced funding opportunities from private foundations and corporations. Complete details on the UGA program can be found on the InfoReady portal. For additional details, please also visit the UGA FAQs web page.


We will also offer a compacted 10-week version of the program in Summer 2023. Please note, we have changed the timing of applications for future Spring UGA programs to be the spring of the preceding year.

  • Applications for Spring 2023 UGA are due on October 24, 2022
  • Applications for Summer 2023 UGA are due April 7, 2023
  • Applications for Spring 2024 UGA are due on April 7, 2023

The UGA is a flagship RSCA support program run by the Office of Research since 2015. Over 140 faculty have successfully completed the program. Here are some recent comments from faculty about the the UGA:

“... thank you and the whole RD team for a great experience with the UGA this semester. When I started, I wasn't even sure I could write a whole CAREER proposal on my work, and with your workshops and guidance from my faculty mentor, I have something that I am proud of now.”

“I would not have produced a grant proposal by the end of my first academic year at 菠菜网lol正规平台 without the UGA. I feel that I have begun my career at 菠菜网lol正规平台 with a tremendous advantage as a result of participating in UGA. It's a wonderful program! Thank you!!”

“I just wanted to reiterate how powerful the external reviewer experience was for me in moving forward, not just with grant revisions, but in expanding my professional networks for the future.”

I encourage all faculty members who have not yet received an extramural grant to consider joining the UGA. Feel free to contact me, or the Research Development Specialist assigned to your college, with any questions about this program.


Julia Gaudinski
Director of Research Development

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San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192

Last Updated Oct 21, 2022